Ohio Nature-Based Early Childhood Education Collaborative
Winter News
Thanks for your patience on a lapse in last meeting's updates!
ONbECECollaborative Highlights!

"Nature scene" in watercolor, from Michelle Bock's class. Child, 4 yrs old.
GET CONNECTED with our Partnered Agencies
The Environmental Education Council of Ohio has some upcoming events!
The Natural Start Alliance is hosting a webinar discussing the difference between setting up your program as a non-profit or for profit business. February 21, 2024.
Samarael.com has a 3 part webinar to help folks use the NABERS tool, a Nature-based Education Rating Scale to improve early childhood teaching.
Upcoming Professional Development

This year, the conference has a Nature-based track with all sessions Ohio Approved! Here are a sample of those sessions by our Leadership Team board members!
Presenter: Carol Juergemeier & Emily Johnson
Saturday 8:30-10 am
Title: Outside Matters: How Nature Can Enable Us to Feel Healthier, More Creative, More Empathetic and Engaged as Teachers
Length: 1.5 Hours
Presenter: Rachel Konerman
Saturday 1:00-2:30 pm
Title: STEM in the PlayScape: Engaging Children and Enhancing the Environment (Part 1)
Length: 1.5 Hours
Presenter: Rachel Konerman
Saturday 3:00-4:30pm
Title: STEM in the PlayScape: Engaging Children and Enhancing the Environment (Part 2)
Length: 1.5 Hours
Presenter: Meredith Florkey
Saturday 8:00-10:00am
Title: Outdoors to Build Executive FUNction!
Length: 2 Hours
Presenter: Meredith Florkey
Saturday 1:00-2:00pm
Title: Risks Vs. Hazards in the Outdoors
Length: 1 Hour
Presenter: Meredith Florkey
Saturday 3:00-4:00
Title: Enhancing Learning with the Power of Our Senses Outdoors
Length: 1 Hour
JOIN US! Upcoming ONbECE Gatherings
Save the Date
ONbECE Nature Based learning Meetup: Ohio North Central Erie Shores & Islands
FREE collaborative event directly after OAEYC conference at the Kalahari Resort
April 27th Saturday 5:30-8:30pm
12217 Chapin Road
Berlin Heights, Ohio 44814
Fellowship, Food, and fun in nature will be provided!
Hosted by BTCC & facilitated by ONbECE Collaborative
Contact Michelle Bock for RSVP sewnatural@gmail.com 440-320-1354
A big thank you to Michelle for the vision and action it takes to host this type of event!
Nature-Based Learning & Environmental Education RESOURCES
At the 2023 OAEYC conference movement towards NBL focus in the ECE field was announced at the University of Cincinnati! Find out more here!
On Purpose Academy in partnership with Ohio Naturally enjoying the snow day. This work and gear made possible by PNC bank.
Cottonwood Hollow Nature Preschool opens in fall 2024 and is currently in enrollment season! Sara Zinn, an ONbECE board member has been working towards licensing this year. Are you a family child care provider (type A or B)? Sara is looking for folks to connect with about the joys and struggles of this type of programming. Please contact her if you are interested in a dialouge. sarahjanezinn@gmail.com
Congratulations to Michelle Bock on her Environmental Education Recertification for 10 years now! Here's where you can find out more about Eecertification
