Ohio Nature-Based Early Childhood Education Collaborative
 Spring News
ONbECECollaborative Highlights!

It's Hiring Season! Dozens of applicants check out our website each year. If you have job openings for your center that you would like posted on our website, please send a description and link to ohionaturebasedece@gmail.com.
GET CONNECTED with our Partnered Agencies

This year, the conference has a Nature-based track with all sessions Ohio Approved! Here are a sample of those sessions by our Leadership Team board members!
Presenter: Carol Juergemeier & Emily Johnson
Saturday 8:30-10 am
Title: Outside Matters: How Nature Can Enable Us to Feel Healthier, More Creative, More Empathetic and Engaged as Teachers
Length: 1.5 Hours
Presenter: Rachel Konerman
Saturday 1:00-2:30 pm
Title: STEM in the PlayScape: Engaging Children and Enhancing the Environment (Part 1)
Length: 1.5 Hours
Presenter: Rachel Konerman
Saturday 3:00-4:30pm
Title: STEM in the PlayScape: Engaging Children and Enhancing the Environment (Part 2)
Length: 1.5 Hours
Presenter: Meredith Florkey
Saturday 8:00-10:00am
Title: Outdoors to Build Executive FUNction!
Length: 2 Hours
Presenter: Meredith Florkey
Saturday 1:00-2:00pm
Title: Risks Vs. Hazards in the Outdoors
Length: 1 Hour
Presenter: Meredith Florkey
Saturday 3:00-4:00
Title: Enhancing Learning with the Power of Our Senses Outdoors
Length: 1 Hour
Upcoming Professional Development

Contact Michelle Bock for RSVP sewnatural@gmail.com 440-320-1354
A big thank you to Michelle for the vision and action it takes to host this type of event!
Nature-Based Learning & Environmental Education RESOURCES
We hope that our members invest and support in Indigenous peoples around the world. Urban Native Collective invites folks to the following local events. Â